Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I am the Great and Powerful OZ!

That's THE WORD on the Colbert Report I-don't-know-when-but-it-was-on-last-night. Check it out. I'm not remiss to be posting Colbert Report clips because I've still outposted The Daily Show. And this is some brilliant political comedy writing! Pay attention to the Colbert Report and pay attention to The Word!



Chris said...

Laura- The whole hippy thing was about the current sterotype that could normally be found around the CNR up in point. They are the people who claim to be carrying on the ideas of the hippy movement but in the end use it as an excuse to smoke pot etc. I respect the hippy movement in the 60s and the ideals that it had. I don't respect the people who claim they are hippies and just go to Phish shows.

Laura said...

Except there is really no universal political ideal that can be refered to as the "hippie movement." I thought there was - but there's not! Some of the orignial hippies actually knew what was going on and were organized - a lot of the original hippies from the 60's were just jackasses who thought smoking pot and saying Peace was somehow changing the world! The word hippie is dead to me. It's all right, sister. I know you're with me. Did you catch the Colbert Link? it's really funny, but I think it moved. Look for THE WORD.
hugs and kisses, Laura

Chris said...

By the way the clip was great. Thanks