Saturday, October 14, 2006

Why rebuilding the Gulf Coast is like working on a show...
(really, it's like every week is tech with a whole new crew)

Because most of my friends all have one thing in common - theatre - I thought I'd use some common terms to describe give you an idea what I'm doing -

The people who know what's going on carry keys (and after two weeks, I'm one of them -!?)

You'll be covered with bruises and not know why.

Coffee is important (and you have to get up at 5 a.m. to make it).

The hours suck (sometimes 12 hour days, usually six days a week. Although I'm often in bed by ten.)

There's always a huge build going on (try 75 houses and 400 on a waiting list).

You lift with your legs and not your back.

There's no such thing as a typical day.

You learn not to assume things about people - like don't assume that 76 year olds don't have email or cell phones (or that they can't work 6 or 7 days a week).

You meet interesting people from all different backgrounds (from all over the country).

Every day the "audience" we serve changes.

There's yoga every morning before the "performance" (starting at 6 a.m.)

People make their own t-shirts with inside jokes on them.

There are naps on the couch in the "common room" (it's like a green room) (although it's strange when your day starts and you find yourself "napping" between 7 and 8 in the morning.)

There's some hurry up and wait, things move by quickly but the hours are slow. You get a lot done in a day, but there's always more to do.

You always go to bed tired!

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