Disclaimer: The contents of this website are mine personally and do not reflect any position of the U.S. government or the Peace Corps. The United States government doesn't specifically approve of kindness to animals. That said it doesn't disaprove either. Please refer to previous statements made on this issue.
Meet Belladonna. Today I put the kitten in her cardboard box, grapped my English/Romanian dictionary, my notebook and the box her flea medication came in and went to the vet, mostly because my kitten was in need of name. We learned that Bella is a little girl and too young for her vaccinations which she'll get in a month. The vet gave me eyedrops and vitamins and didn't charge me at all for her time. She saw us only briefly without an appointment but there was no one else in the waiting room.
I'm sure she gave me a lot of other good advice about raising a kitten which I probably didn't understand, but I was able to get my questions answered with the vocabulary I have and gestures. The dictionary didn't leave the bag. I also learned that there's no need to repeat the flea treatment I gave her yesterday as long as Bella is an indoor cat - which she is - so my Romanian listening skills are better than I thought.
Now, I will try my best to avoid being one of those people who's forever posting cute pictures/videos of their kittten, but I make no promises and I feel slightly justified in that this kitten is too cute for words.
She is quite the sweet heart! Congrats mom! Though a dog person still at heart..our cat Lola is slowly converting me.
Altogether now: awwww!!!!!!
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